Books for Downton Abbey withdrawl and more

TGIF! This weekend, I’ll be volunteering, spending time with friends, and geeking out on the gold medal hockey game, which will hopefully include the US.

In the meantime, here’s some of my favorite book and library world links of the week.


Madame, fille unique du Roi, sur les genoux de sa gouvernante : [estampe]. Source

What do you think about James Patterson giving grants to independent booksellers?

A cool profile of the job duties of the Director of the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped at the Library of Congress.  I love learning about the myriad career opportunities in the library and information science field.

Why libraries deserve to be hip, from Salon.

Three instructors from my school have won the WISE Online Teaching Award.  I haven’t had the opportunity to take classes with any of them yet, but now I want to even more.

For all of you fellow fans, 10 books to help ease Downton Abbey withdrawl.

Stanford launches its French Revolution Digital Archive.

The Queens Library director’s astonishing $2 million golden parachute.  Have you been following this story?  Crazy.

UK Libraries now offering free research journal article access.

11 books to help celebrate Mardi Gras.  If I ever make it New Orleans, I’ll definitely be taking some of these with me.  I did try to read Confederacy of Dunces years ago and couldn’t finish it.  Is it time to give it another try?

Have a great weekend!